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Comparison and Description of Fitness Level ،Physiological and Anthropometric Profiles of Selected Versus Non Selected Iranian National Team Table Tennis Players

Year 2015, Volume 3 (Special Issue 2), 371 - 382, 15.09.2015


Objectives: The aims of this study were to comparison and describe the anthropometric characteristics physical fitness and physiological profile of the first 5 and the lower ranked elite male Iranian national table tennis players, who participated in table tennis championship, to compare the anthropometric data, physical fitness and physiological profile of the first 5elite tennis players on the ranking with the lower ranked players, and to establish an anthropometric and physiological profile chart for elite tennis players.
Methods: On the direction of this aim 16 male National table tennis Players' participated in this study. According to ranked some physical fitness, physiological and anthropometric variables were recorded of each subject. In this research; Physical fitness was determined using the following test: 1) speed; 36m sprint, 2) shoulder, back and hamstring flexibility; sit and reach, 3) lower limb power; side jump, 4) Anaerobic power; wingate test, 5) Aerobic power; 1600 m running, 6) reaction time; visual reaction time, 7) mussel endurance; sit- ups. In addition to anthropometric analysis (height, weight, siting height, arm length), body composition and somatotype of participants have been assessed. The kolmogorof-smirnov test was applied to determine the nature of data distribution. Since a normal distribution was confirmed, a t- test for independent samples was performed to examine statistical differences between groups and p value < 0.05 was considered to be significant.
Results: There were no significant differences in height, jump, shoulder, back and hamstring flexibility, speed, visual reaction time, anaerobic power and BMI between the first 5 and the lower ranked table tennis players, while there were significant differences in weight, side jump, aerobic power, present body fat and somatotype component. A mesomorph – endomorph somatotype was registered for the lower ranked and somatotype of first 5 table tennis players could be defined as mesomorph – ectomorph.
Conclusions: As a result, Table tennis in (mesomorph-Ektomorf) were dominant body type and it is determined that it is important to aerobic power.


  • Alen G.D, (1986). Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Table Tennis Players and Their Responses to Hige Level Competitions, ASI, Journal Science And Medicine, 32, 68-94.
  • Suchomel A, (2010). A Comparison of Exercise Intensity on Different Player Levels in Table Tennis. International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, No.6.
  • Allen G.D, (1986). Physiological characteristics of elite table tennis athletes and their responses to high level competition. In Australian sports commission’s: Applied sports research program. Australian sports commission.
  • Bar-Or O, (1987). The Wingate anaerobic test: An update on methodology, reliability and validity. Sports Medicine, 4, 381–391.
  • Bencke J, Damsgaard R, Saekmose A, Jorgensen P, Jorgesen K, & Klausen K, (2002). Anaerobic power and muscle strength characteristics of 11 year old elite and non-elite boys and girls from gymnastics, team handball, tennis and swimming. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 12, 171–178.
  • Bouchard C, Ping A, Treva R. Skinner J.S, Wilmore J.H, Gagnon J, Perusse L, Leon A.S, and Rao D.C.N, (1999). Familial aggregation of VO2max response to exercise training: results from the HERITAGEFamily Study. J. Applied Physiol., Vol. 87, pp. 1003–1008.
  • Canhadas I, Silva R.L.P, Chaves C.R, Portes L.A, (2010). Anthropometric And Physical Fitness Characteristics Of Young Male Soccer Players, Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum, 12(4), 239-245.
  • Carrasco L, Pradas F, Martínez A, (2010). Somatotype And Body Composition Of Young Top-level Table Tennis Players, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, No.6.
  • Council of Europe (1988). Eurofit: Handbook for the EUROFIT Tests of Physical Fitness. Rome: Secretariat of the Committee for the Development of Sport within the Council of Europe.
  • Dencker M, Andersen L.B, (2008). Health-related aspects of objectively measured daily physical activity in children. Journal of Sports Medicine. 28:133-144.
  • Fernandes J, Mendez-Villanueva A, and Pluim B, (2006). Intensity of tennis match play. Br J Sports Med 40: 387–391.
  • Fernandez-Fernandez J, Mendez-Villanueva A, Fernandez-Garcia B, and Terrados N, (2007). Match activity and physiological responses during a junior female singles tennis tournament. Br J Sports Med 41: 711– 716.
  • Girard O, Chevalier R, Leveque F, Micallef JP, and Millet GP, (2006). Specific incremental field test for aerobic fitness in tennis. Br J Sports Med 40: 791–796.
  • Girard O, Lattier G, Micallef J.P, and Millet G.P, (2006). Changes in exercise characteristics, maximal voluntary contraction, and explosive strength during prolonged tennis playing. Br J Sports Med 40: 521–526.
  • Munivrana G, Paušić J, Kondrič M, (2011). The influence of somatotype on young table tennis players’ competitive success, Kinesiologia Slovenica, 17, 1, 42–51.
  • Hornery D.J, Farrow D, Mujika I, Young W, and Pluim B, (2007). An integrated physiological and performance profile of professional tennis. Br J Sports Med 41: 531–536.
  • Jafarzadehpur E, Yarigholi M.R, (2004). Comparıson Of Vısual Acuıty In Reduced Lumınatıon And Facılıty Of Ocular Accommodatıon In Table Tennıs Champıons And Non- Players, Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine. 3, 44-48.
  • Johnson C.D, Mchugh M.P, Wood T, and Kibler B. (2006). Performance demands of professional male tennis players. Br J Sports Med 40: 696–699.
  • Kanehisa H, Kuno S, Katsuta S, Fukunaga T.A, (2006). 2-year follow-up study on muscle size and dynamic strength in teenage tennis players. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 16:93-101.
  • Kondric M, Milic R, Gordana F.M, (2007). Physiological Anaerobic Characteristics Of Slovenian Elite Table Tennis Players, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc Gymn. 37(3), 69-78.
  • Kondrič M, Zagatto A.M, and Sekulić D, (2013). The Physiological Demands of Table Tennis: A Review Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 12, 362-370.
  • Kovacs M.S, (2006). Applied physiology of tennis performance. Br J Sports Med. 40(5):381-5; discussion 6.
  • Kovacs M.S, (2007). Tennis physiology: Training the competitive athlete. Sports Med 37: 189–198.
  • Lees A, (2003). Science and the major racket sports: a review. J Sports Sci 21: 707–732.
  • Lohman T.G, Roche A.F, & Martorell R, (1988). Anthropometric standardization reference manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Mac Dougall J.D, Wenger H.A, Green H.J, eds. (1991). Physiological testing of the high performance athlete, Champaign, Illinois, USA.Human Kinetics.
  • Marinque D.C and Gonza´les-Badillo J.J, (2003). Analysis of the characteristics of competitive badminton. Br J Sports Med 27: 62–66.
  • McIntyre M.C, (2005). A comparison of the physiological profiles of elite Gaelic footballers, hurlers, and soccer players. Br J Sports Med, 39:437-9.
  • Mendez-Villanueva A, Fernandez-Fernandez J, Bishop D, Fernandez-Garcia B, and Terrados N, (2007). Activity patterns, blood lactate concentrations and ratings of perceived exertion during a professional singles tennis tournament. Br J Sports Med 41: 296– 300.
  • Milanese C, Bortolami O, Bertucco M, Verlato G, Zancanaro C, (2010). Anthropometry And Motor Fitness In Children Aged 6-12 Years, Journal Of Human Sport & Exercise 5(2), 265-279.
  • Morel E.A and Zagatto A.M. (2008). Adaptation of the lactate minimum, critical power and anaerobic threshold tests for assessment of the aerobic/anaerobic transition in a protocol specific for table tennis. Rev Bras Med Esporte 14: 523–527.
  • Ortega F.B, Ruiz J.R, Castillo M.J, Sjöström M, (2008). Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health. International Journal of Obesity. 32:1-11.
  • Petroski E.L, Fraro J.D, Fidelix Y.L, Silva D.A.S, Pires-Neto C.S, Dourado A.C, et al. (2013). "Anthropometric, morphological and somatotype characteristics of athletes of the Brazilian Men’s volleyball team: an 11-year descriptive study". Rev Bras Cineantropometria Amp Desempenho Hum. Vol.15, No.2,pp:184–92.
  • Rodrigues S.T, Vickers J.N, Williams A.M, (2002). Head Eye And Arm Coordination In Table Tennis. Journal Sports Science, 20, 187–200.
  • Rowland T.W, Boyajian A, (1995). Aerobic response to endurance exercise training in children. Pediatrics. 96:654-8.
  • Thelwell R.C, Greenlees I.A, & Weston N.J.V, (2006). Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 18, 254–270.
  • Tomkinson G.R, Olds T.S, and Borms J, (2007). Who are the Eurofit test? Medicine and Sport Science. 50:104-128.
  • Zagatto A.M, Morel E.A, Gobatto C.A, (2010). Physiological Responses And Characteristics Of Table Tennis Matches Determined In Official Tournaments. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(4)/942–949.
  • Zagatto A.M, Papoti M, and Gobatto C.A, (2008). Anaerobic capacity may not be determined by critical power model in elite table tennis players. J Sports Sci Med 7: 54–59.
  • Zagatto A.M, Papoti M, dos Reis W.R, Beck. and Gobatto C.A, (2014). Analysis of cardiopulmonary and metabolic variables measured during laboratory and sport-specific incremental tests for table tennis performance prediction, Science & Sports 29, 62—70

Iran Masa Tenisi Milli Takımı Seçmelerinde Seçilen ve Elenen Sporcuların Bazı Fiziksel, Fizyolojik ve Antropometrik Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2015, Volume 3 (Special Issue 2), 371 - 382, 15.09.2015


Amaç: Bu çalışma; Iran masa tenisi milli takımı seçmelerinde seçilen ve elenen sporcuların
bazı fiziksel, fizyolojik ve antropometrik parametrelerinin belirlenmesi ve karşılaştırılması
amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda sıralamada ilk 5 sırada yer alan sporcuların
fiziksel uygunluk ve antropometrik profilleri ile alt sırada yer alan sporcuların verileri
karşılaştırarak elit tenis oyuncuları için antropometrik ve fizyolojik profil grafiği kurmak
önem arz etmektedir.
Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya 16 erkek Ulusal masa tenisi oyuncusu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır.
Sporcuların bazı fiziksel uygunluk, fizyolojik ve antropometrik değişkenleri test edilmiştir.
Fiziksel uygunluk, aşağıdaki testler kullanılarak belirlenmiştir: 1) sürat; 36m sprint testi, 2)
omuz, sırt ve hamstring esnekliği; otur- eriş testi, 3) alt ekstremite gücü; Yana atlama testi, 4)
Anaerobik güç; wingate testi, 5) Aerobik güç; 1600 m koşu testi, 6) Reaksiyon süresi; görsel
reaksiyon testi, 7) dayanıklılık; 20 mt mekik (shuttle run) testi. Antropometrik analiz için;
boy, kilo, otur boy ve kol uzunluğu testeri uygulanmıştır. Veri dağılım niteliğini belirlemek
için Kolmagorof-Smirnov testi uygulanmıştır, Verilerin normal dağılım gösterdiği
doğrulanmış olup, istatistiksel farklılıkları incelemek için bağımsız t-test yapılmıştır.
Anlamlılık düzeyi (p < 0.05) olarak kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Elde edilen bulgulara göre; Boy uzunluğu, esneklik, sürat, görsel reaksiyon,
Anaerobik güç ve VKİ değerleri ilk 5 sırada yer alan sporcular ile alt sırada yer alan sporcular
arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. Sporcuların yana atlama testi,
vücut yağ yüzdesi, aerobik güç ve Somatotip değerleri arasında anlamlı farklılıklar tespit
edildi. Sıralamaya göre ilk 5 e giren sporcularda mezomorf – ektomorf baskın bulunurken,
Alt sırada yer alanlarda ise mezomorf – endomorf baskın bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak; Masa tenisçilerde mezomorf-Ektomorf vücut tipinin baskın olduğu ve
aerobik gücün önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir


  • Alen G.D, (1986). Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Table Tennis Players and Their Responses to Hige Level Competitions, ASI, Journal Science And Medicine, 32, 68-94.
  • Suchomel A, (2010). A Comparison of Exercise Intensity on Different Player Levels in Table Tennis. International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, No.6.
  • Allen G.D, (1986). Physiological characteristics of elite table tennis athletes and their responses to high level competition. In Australian sports commission’s: Applied sports research program. Australian sports commission.
  • Bar-Or O, (1987). The Wingate anaerobic test: An update on methodology, reliability and validity. Sports Medicine, 4, 381–391.
  • Bencke J, Damsgaard R, Saekmose A, Jorgensen P, Jorgesen K, & Klausen K, (2002). Anaerobic power and muscle strength characteristics of 11 year old elite and non-elite boys and girls from gymnastics, team handball, tennis and swimming. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 12, 171–178.
  • Bouchard C, Ping A, Treva R. Skinner J.S, Wilmore J.H, Gagnon J, Perusse L, Leon A.S, and Rao D.C.N, (1999). Familial aggregation of VO2max response to exercise training: results from the HERITAGEFamily Study. J. Applied Physiol., Vol. 87, pp. 1003–1008.
  • Canhadas I, Silva R.L.P, Chaves C.R, Portes L.A, (2010). Anthropometric And Physical Fitness Characteristics Of Young Male Soccer Players, Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum, 12(4), 239-245.
  • Carrasco L, Pradas F, Martínez A, (2010). Somatotype And Body Composition Of Young Top-level Table Tennis Players, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, No.6.
  • Council of Europe (1988). Eurofit: Handbook for the EUROFIT Tests of Physical Fitness. Rome: Secretariat of the Committee for the Development of Sport within the Council of Europe.
  • Dencker M, Andersen L.B, (2008). Health-related aspects of objectively measured daily physical activity in children. Journal of Sports Medicine. 28:133-144.
  • Fernandes J, Mendez-Villanueva A, and Pluim B, (2006). Intensity of tennis match play. Br J Sports Med 40: 387–391.
  • Fernandez-Fernandez J, Mendez-Villanueva A, Fernandez-Garcia B, and Terrados N, (2007). Match activity and physiological responses during a junior female singles tennis tournament. Br J Sports Med 41: 711– 716.
  • Girard O, Chevalier R, Leveque F, Micallef JP, and Millet GP, (2006). Specific incremental field test for aerobic fitness in tennis. Br J Sports Med 40: 791–796.
  • Girard O, Lattier G, Micallef J.P, and Millet G.P, (2006). Changes in exercise characteristics, maximal voluntary contraction, and explosive strength during prolonged tennis playing. Br J Sports Med 40: 521–526.
  • Munivrana G, Paušić J, Kondrič M, (2011). The influence of somatotype on young table tennis players’ competitive success, Kinesiologia Slovenica, 17, 1, 42–51.
  • Hornery D.J, Farrow D, Mujika I, Young W, and Pluim B, (2007). An integrated physiological and performance profile of professional tennis. Br J Sports Med 41: 531–536.
  • Jafarzadehpur E, Yarigholi M.R, (2004). Comparıson Of Vısual Acuıty In Reduced Lumınatıon And Facılıty Of Ocular Accommodatıon In Table Tennıs Champıons And Non- Players, Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine. 3, 44-48.
  • Johnson C.D, Mchugh M.P, Wood T, and Kibler B. (2006). Performance demands of professional male tennis players. Br J Sports Med 40: 696–699.
  • Kanehisa H, Kuno S, Katsuta S, Fukunaga T.A, (2006). 2-year follow-up study on muscle size and dynamic strength in teenage tennis players. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 16:93-101.
  • Kondric M, Milic R, Gordana F.M, (2007). Physiological Anaerobic Characteristics Of Slovenian Elite Table Tennis Players, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc Gymn. 37(3), 69-78.
  • Kondrič M, Zagatto A.M, and Sekulić D, (2013). The Physiological Demands of Table Tennis: A Review Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 12, 362-370.
  • Kovacs M.S, (2006). Applied physiology of tennis performance. Br J Sports Med. 40(5):381-5; discussion 6.
  • Kovacs M.S, (2007). Tennis physiology: Training the competitive athlete. Sports Med 37: 189–198.
  • Lees A, (2003). Science and the major racket sports: a review. J Sports Sci 21: 707–732.
  • Lohman T.G, Roche A.F, & Martorell R, (1988). Anthropometric standardization reference manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Mac Dougall J.D, Wenger H.A, Green H.J, eds. (1991). Physiological testing of the high performance athlete, Champaign, Illinois, USA.Human Kinetics.
  • Marinque D.C and Gonza´les-Badillo J.J, (2003). Analysis of the characteristics of competitive badminton. Br J Sports Med 27: 62–66.
  • McIntyre M.C, (2005). A comparison of the physiological profiles of elite Gaelic footballers, hurlers, and soccer players. Br J Sports Med, 39:437-9.
  • Mendez-Villanueva A, Fernandez-Fernandez J, Bishop D, Fernandez-Garcia B, and Terrados N, (2007). Activity patterns, blood lactate concentrations and ratings of perceived exertion during a professional singles tennis tournament. Br J Sports Med 41: 296– 300.
  • Milanese C, Bortolami O, Bertucco M, Verlato G, Zancanaro C, (2010). Anthropometry And Motor Fitness In Children Aged 6-12 Years, Journal Of Human Sport & Exercise 5(2), 265-279.
  • Morel E.A and Zagatto A.M. (2008). Adaptation of the lactate minimum, critical power and anaerobic threshold tests for assessment of the aerobic/anaerobic transition in a protocol specific for table tennis. Rev Bras Med Esporte 14: 523–527.
  • Ortega F.B, Ruiz J.R, Castillo M.J, Sjöström M, (2008). Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health. International Journal of Obesity. 32:1-11.
  • Petroski E.L, Fraro J.D, Fidelix Y.L, Silva D.A.S, Pires-Neto C.S, Dourado A.C, et al. (2013). "Anthropometric, morphological and somatotype characteristics of athletes of the Brazilian Men’s volleyball team: an 11-year descriptive study". Rev Bras Cineantropometria Amp Desempenho Hum. Vol.15, No.2,pp:184–92.
  • Rodrigues S.T, Vickers J.N, Williams A.M, (2002). Head Eye And Arm Coordination In Table Tennis. Journal Sports Science, 20, 187–200.
  • Rowland T.W, Boyajian A, (1995). Aerobic response to endurance exercise training in children. Pediatrics. 96:654-8.
  • Thelwell R.C, Greenlees I.A, & Weston N.J.V, (2006). Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 18, 254–270.
  • Tomkinson G.R, Olds T.S, and Borms J, (2007). Who are the Eurofit test? Medicine and Sport Science. 50:104-128.
  • Zagatto A.M, Morel E.A, Gobatto C.A, (2010). Physiological Responses And Characteristics Of Table Tennis Matches Determined In Official Tournaments. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(4)/942–949.
  • Zagatto A.M, Papoti M, and Gobatto C.A, (2008). Anaerobic capacity may not be determined by critical power model in elite table tennis players. J Sports Sci Med 7: 54–59.
  • Zagatto A.M, Papoti M, dos Reis W.R, Beck. and Gobatto C.A, (2014). Analysis of cardiopulmonary and metabolic variables measured during laboratory and sport-specific incremental tests for table tennis performance prediction, Science & Sports 29, 62—70
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Reza Behdari This is me

Mehran Ahadi This is me

Masoomeh Husseini This is me

Mehmet Göktepe

Publication Date September 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume 3 (Special Issue 2)


APA Behdari, R., Ahadi, M., Husseini, M., Göktepe, M. (2015). Comparison and Description of Fitness Level ،Physiological and Anthropometric Profiles of Selected Versus Non Selected Iranian National Team Table Tennis Players. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 3(Special Issue 4), 371-382.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).