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M. Biceps brachii'nin aksesuar humeral başı: Olgu sunumu

Year 2006, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, - , 21.04.2009


SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi
TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2006 Haziran; 13(2)

M. Biceps brachii'nin aksesuar humeral başı: Olgu sunumu

Erkan Yıldız, Soner Albay, Fatih Yazar, Yalçın Kırıcı,
Hasan Ozan

55 yaşındaki bir kadın kadavranın sağ kolunda, m. biceps brachii'nin iki başına ek olarak, bir başının daha olduğu görüldü. Kasın diğer iki başı ve diğer kol kasları normal anatomik lokalizasyonundaydı. Ek olarak aynı taraf kolda, n. musculocutaneus m. coracobrachialis'i delmiyordu. M. brachialis'in origosunun medial ve üst tarafından başlayan aksesuar baş, m. biceps brachii'nin ortak tendonunda sonlanıyordu. Aksesuar baş, diğer iki başlar gibi n. musculocutaneus tarafından innerve ediliyodu. Literatürde infero-medial humeral baş olarak adlandırılan bu başın görülme sıklığı ırka göre değişmekle beraber; ortalama %7.7 - %12'dir. M. biceps brachii'nin ikiden fazla başa sahip olması, bu bölgenin cerrahisi sırasında anatomik oryantasyonda güçlük oluşturabilmektedir. Ayrıca pronator sendromunda olduğu gibi, nörovasküler yapılara bası oluşturabileceği de bildirilmiştir. Ayrıca kasın şiddetli kontraksiyonlarında, aponörotik tendonda (lacertus fibrosus, aponeurosis bicipitalis) oluşabilecek gerilme sonucu, tendonun altından geçen nörovasküler yapılar (a. brachialis, n. medianus) basıya maruz kalabilir. Bu gibi varyasyonların bilinmesi, cerrahi komplikasyonların önlenmesinde ve başarıda önemli olduğu kadar, manyetik rezonans ve bilgisayarlı tomografi gibi radyolojik uygulamalarda ayırıcı tanı bakımından önemlidir.

Anahtar kelımeler: M. biceps brachii, aksesuar baş, varyasyon.


Humeral accessory head of biceps brachii muscle: A case report

During dissection of 55-year-old female cadaver, we encountered an accessory head of biceps brachii in the right upper extremity. The other two heads of the muscle were as usual. Additionally on the same side, the musculocutaneous nerve didn't pierce the coracobrachialis muscle. The accessory head originated from upper third of the humerus, superior and medial to the origin of brachialis muscle and inserted to the common tendon of biceps brachii. As the other two heads, accessory head was innervated from the musculocutaneous nerve. In the literature this head was named as infero-medial humeral head and its incidence changes between 7.7%-12% according to ethnicity. Supernumerary heads may lead confusion at surgical procedures of arm or cause compression of neurovascular structures just as pronator syndrome. To avoid clinical complications, during radiodiagnostic procedures (CT, MRI) or surgical approach of this region, awereness of such a variation is of interest not only to anatomists, but also to orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists and radiologists.

Key words: Biceps brachii muscle, accessory head, variation.


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  • Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson HL, Bannister LH: Gray’s Anatomy, 36th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1980; 571-572.
  • Testut L. Tratado de Anatomía Humana. Barcelona, Salvat, 1902;1022.
  • Bergman RA, Thompson SA, Aifi AK: Catalogue of human variation. Munich, Urban and Schwartzenberg, 1984;27-30.
  • Rincón F Rodríguez, Zayda I, Sánchez A, Alfredo L, González L.F: The anatomic characteristics of the third head of biceps brachii muscle in a colombian population. Rev chil anat. 2002;20(2):197-200.
  • Þimþek C, Ertem AD, Ozan H, Akkýn SM: M. biceps brachii’nin baþ fazlalýðý. Cerrahpaþa Týp Fak Der. 1994; 25:511-5.
  • Arýncý K, Elhan A: M. Biceps brachii’nin üçüncü bir baþýnýn rastlanýþ sýklýðý ve bunun muhtemel fonksiyonel önemi üzerinde çalýþmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Týp Fak. Mecm. 1975; 28:503-20.
  • Kosugi K, Shibata S, Yamashita H.: Supernumerary head of biceps brachii and branching pattern of the musculocutaneous nerve in Japanese. Surg Rad Anat. 1992;(14)2: 175-85.
  • Nakatani T, Tanaka S, Mizukami S: Bilateral four- headed biceps brachii muscles: the median nerve and brachial artery passing through a tunnel formed by a muscle slip from the accessory head. Clin Anat. 1998; 11(3):209-12.
  • Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, Vazquez T, Choi D, Parkin I., Sanudo JR: Supernumerary humeral heads of the biceps brachii muscle revisited. Clin Anat. 2003;16(3):197-203.
  • Macalister A: Additional observations on muscular anomalies in human anatomy (third series) with a catalogue of the principal muscular variations hitherto published. Trans Roy Irish Acad. 1875;25:1–134.
  • Le Double AF: TraiteU des Variations du Systeme Musculaire de l 'Homme (vol. 2), Paris: Schleicher Freres. 1897;95-107.
  • Herve G: Anomalie du muscle biceps brachial. Bull Mem. Soc Anthropol Paris. 1883;6:40–46.
  • Vázquez T, Rodríguez-Niedenführ M, Parkin I, Sanudo JR: A rare case of a four-headed biceps brachii muscle with a double piercing by the musculocutaneous nerve. Surg Radiol Anat.2003;25(5-6):462-4.
  • Kosugi K, Morita T, Koda M, Yamashita H: Branching pattern of musculocutaneous nerve. II Cases possessing supernumerary head of bicipital brachial muscle. Jikeikai. Med J. 1986;33:195–208.
  • Eglseder WA Jr, Goldman M: Anatomic variations of the musculocutaneous nerve in the arm. Am J Orthop.1997;26(11): 777-80.
  • Gumusalan Y, Yazar F, Ozan H: Variant innervation of the coracobrachialis muscle and unusual course of the musculocutaneous nerve in man. Kaibogaku Zasshi. 1998;73(3):269-72.
  • Spinner RJ, Carmichael SW, Spinner M: Partial median nerve entrapment in the distal arm because of an accessory bicipital aponeurosis. J Hand Surg Am. 1991;16A:236-244.
  • Green DP: Operative hand surgery (Ed. Burgess L).Churchill Livingstone Inc., New York Edinburgh London Melbourne. 1988;1479-98.
  • Laha RK, Lunsford LD, Dujovny M: Lacertus fibrosus compression of the median nerve: Case report. J Neurosurg. 1978;48:838-841.
  • Martinelli P, Gabollini AS, Poppi N, Gallassi R, Pozzati E: Pronator syndrome due to thickened bicipital aponeurosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1982;45:181-182.
  • Ozan H, Atasever A, Sinav A, Simsek C, Basar R. An unusual insertion of accessory biceps brachii muscle, Kaibogaku Zasshi. 1997;72(6):515-9
Year 2006, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, - , 21.04.2009



  • Ozan H: Ozan Anatomi, Nobel Týp Kitapevleri, 2.Baský. Ankara. 2005; 114.
  • Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson HL, Bannister LH: Gray’s Anatomy, 36th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1980; 571-572.
  • Testut L. Tratado de Anatomía Humana. Barcelona, Salvat, 1902;1022.
  • Bergman RA, Thompson SA, Aifi AK: Catalogue of human variation. Munich, Urban and Schwartzenberg, 1984;27-30.
  • Rincón F Rodríguez, Zayda I, Sánchez A, Alfredo L, González L.F: The anatomic characteristics of the third head of biceps brachii muscle in a colombian population. Rev chil anat. 2002;20(2):197-200.
  • Þimþek C, Ertem AD, Ozan H, Akkýn SM: M. biceps brachii’nin baþ fazlalýðý. Cerrahpaþa Týp Fak Der. 1994; 25:511-5.
  • Arýncý K, Elhan A: M. Biceps brachii’nin üçüncü bir baþýnýn rastlanýþ sýklýðý ve bunun muhtemel fonksiyonel önemi üzerinde çalýþmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Týp Fak. Mecm. 1975; 28:503-20.
  • Kosugi K, Shibata S, Yamashita H.: Supernumerary head of biceps brachii and branching pattern of the musculocutaneous nerve in Japanese. Surg Rad Anat. 1992;(14)2: 175-85.
  • Nakatani T, Tanaka S, Mizukami S: Bilateral four- headed biceps brachii muscles: the median nerve and brachial artery passing through a tunnel formed by a muscle slip from the accessory head. Clin Anat. 1998; 11(3):209-12.
  • Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, Vazquez T, Choi D, Parkin I., Sanudo JR: Supernumerary humeral heads of the biceps brachii muscle revisited. Clin Anat. 2003;16(3):197-203.
  • Macalister A: Additional observations on muscular anomalies in human anatomy (third series) with a catalogue of the principal muscular variations hitherto published. Trans Roy Irish Acad. 1875;25:1–134.
  • Le Double AF: TraiteU des Variations du Systeme Musculaire de l 'Homme (vol. 2), Paris: Schleicher Freres. 1897;95-107.
  • Herve G: Anomalie du muscle biceps brachial. Bull Mem. Soc Anthropol Paris. 1883;6:40–46.
  • Vázquez T, Rodríguez-Niedenführ M, Parkin I, Sanudo JR: A rare case of a four-headed biceps brachii muscle with a double piercing by the musculocutaneous nerve. Surg Radiol Anat.2003;25(5-6):462-4.
  • Kosugi K, Morita T, Koda M, Yamashita H: Branching pattern of musculocutaneous nerve. II Cases possessing supernumerary head of bicipital brachial muscle. Jikeikai. Med J. 1986;33:195–208.
  • Eglseder WA Jr, Goldman M: Anatomic variations of the musculocutaneous nerve in the arm. Am J Orthop.1997;26(11): 777-80.
  • Gumusalan Y, Yazar F, Ozan H: Variant innervation of the coracobrachialis muscle and unusual course of the musculocutaneous nerve in man. Kaibogaku Zasshi. 1998;73(3):269-72.
  • Spinner RJ, Carmichael SW, Spinner M: Partial median nerve entrapment in the distal arm because of an accessory bicipital aponeurosis. J Hand Surg Am. 1991;16A:236-244.
  • Green DP: Operative hand surgery (Ed. Burgess L).Churchill Livingstone Inc., New York Edinburgh London Melbourne. 1988;1479-98.
  • Laha RK, Lunsford LD, Dujovny M: Lacertus fibrosus compression of the median nerve: Case report. J Neurosurg. 1978;48:838-841.
  • Martinelli P, Gabollini AS, Poppi N, Gallassi R, Pozzati E: Pronator syndrome due to thickened bicipital aponeurosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1982;45:181-182.
  • Ozan H, Atasever A, Sinav A, Simsek C, Basar R. An unusual insertion of accessory biceps brachii muscle, Kaibogaku Zasshi. 1997;72(6):515-9
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Case Reports

Erkan Yıldız This is me

Soner Albay

Fatih Yazar This is me

Yalçın Kırıcı This is me

Hasan Ozan This is me

Publication Date April 21, 2009
Submission Date April 20, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


Vancouver Yıldız E, Albay S, Yazar F, Kırıcı Y, Ozan H. M. Biceps brachii’nin aksesuar humeral başı: Olgu sunumu. Med J SDU. 2009;13(2).


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