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Evaluation Of Studies That Try Tabata Training Protocol In Different Branches

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 9 - 22, 31.07.2022


Tabata Training Protocol gives different results in different branches. The aim of this study is to analyze the studies of the tabata protocol in different branches and to examine the variables of training level, exercise model, gender and volume.
In this study Document analysis was used as a data collection technique . Criterion sampling technique was chosen from purposive sampling methods. PRIZMA Flow Chart (Moher. 2009) was used in data collection. Between 2017 and 2021, 73 articles which is referring to the tabata protocol constituted the universe of the research. The exact numbers have been reached in the research. The parameters listed in Table 4 met the inclusion criteria of 12 studies.
As a result, it was found that the physical activity participants could not reach the maximum values due to the the recreational training levels of the physical activity participants, heavy unit volume of the routine exercise in the branch of handball, low time intense setting in combat sports. Trainers should apply the tabata protocol to the lowest, amateur level athletes, prefer mixed and branch-specific movements suitable for the nature of the branch as an exercise model; prefer the minimum 4 weeks as the duration, the maximum routine + (2xIT) and below performances as the number of sets.


  • Afyon, Y. A., Mülazimoğlu, O., Çelikbilek, S., & Kalafat, Ç. (2021). The effect of tabata training program on physical and motoric characteristics of soccer players. Progress In Nutrıtıon, Volume: 23, Issue: 2
  • Akcan, İ. O., Aydos, L., & Akgül, M. Ş. (2020). The effect of high ıntensity ınterval training in different forms applied to combat athletes on body composition and muscular strength. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, Cilt No: 22, Sayı: 2 (196-201)
  • Alonso-Fernández, D., Lima-Correa, F., Gutierrez-Sánchez, Á., & Abadía-García de Vicuña, O. (2017). Effects of a high-intensity interval training protocol based on functional exercises on performance and body composition in handball female players, Revistas Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, Volume: 12, Issue: 4 (1186-1198)
  • Aslan, İ. (2019). Dağ bisikleti sporcularına uygulanan tabata antrenman modelinin performans üzerine etkisi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Afyon.
  • Aykora, E., & Dönmez, E. (2017). Kadın voleybolcularda tabata protokolüne göre uygulanan pliometrik egzersizlerin kuvvet parametrelerine etkisi, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt No: 6, Sayı: 1 (71-84)
  • Billat, L. V. (2001). Interval training for performance: a scientific and empirical practice. Sports medicine, Volume: 31, Issue: 1 (13-31)
  • Buchheit, M., Laursen, P. B., Kuhnle, J., Ruch, D., Renaud, C., & Ahmaidi, S. (2009). Game-based training in young elite handball players. International journal of sports medicine, Volume: 30, Issue: 4 (251-258)
  • D'Elia, F., D'Andrea, D., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G., & Raiola, G. (2021). Increase the performance level of young basketball players through the use of high ıntensity ınterval training, International journal of human movement and sports sciences, Volume: 9, Issue: 3 (445-450)
  • Demirci, D., Özgür, B. O., Özgür, T., & Bayır, E. (2017). 14-16 yaş grubu erkek tenisçilerde tabata protokolünün dikey sıçramaya etkisi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt No: 11, Sayı: 3 (207-212)
  • Eickhoff-Shemek, J. M., & Keiper, M. C. (2014). High-Intensity exercise and the legal liability risks, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, Volume: 18, Issue: 5 (30-37)
  • Follador, L., Alves, R. C., Ferreira, S. D. S., Buzzachera, C. F., Andrade, V. F. D. S., Garcia, E. D. D. A., Osiecki R., Barbosa S. C., Oliveira L. M. D., & da Silva, S. G. (2018). Physiological, perceptual and affective responses to six high-intensity interval training protocols. Perceptual and motor skills, Volume: 125, Issue: 2 (329-350)
  • Hattersley, C. (2014). Analysis of Sebastian Coe's Training Methods, Presentation delivered at St Mary's University, London
  • İpekoğlu, G., Baynaz, K., Mor, A., Acar, K., Arslanoğlu, C., & Arslanoğlu, E. (2018). Examining Lactate Changes during High Intensity Spinning Training. Universal Journal of Educational Research, Volume: 6, Issue: 6 (1260-1263)
  • Karcher, C., & Buchheit, M. (2014). On-court demands of elite handball, with special reference to playing positions. Sports medicine, Volume: 44, Issue: 6 (797-814)
  • Korkmaz, S. (2017). Farklı ortamlarda uygulanan tabata yüksek şiddetli interval antrenmanın aerobik ve anaerobik performansa etkisi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi DSpace, Doktora Tezi, Antalya
  • Mulazimoğlu, O., Boyaci, A., Afyon, Y. A., & Çelikbilek, S. (2021). Acute effect of tabata workout on heart rate and blood lactate accumulation of female futsal players. Acta Medıca Mediterranea, Cilt No: 37, Sayı: 5 (2457-2461)
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & PRISMA Group*. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Annals of internal medicine, Volume: 151, Issue: 4 (264-269)
  • Protzen, G. V., Bartel, C., Coswig, V. S., Gentil, P., & Del Vecchio, F. B. (2020). Physiological aspects and energetic contribution in 20s: 10s high-intensity interval exercise at different intensities. PeerJ, 8, e9791.
  • Rýzková, E., Labudová, J., Grznár, L. U., & Šmída, M. (2018). Effects of aquafitness with high intensity interval training on physical fitness. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Volume: 18 (373-381)
  • Tabata, I., Nishimura, K., Kouzaki, M., Hirai, Y., Ogita, F., Miyachi, M., & Yamamoto, K. (1996). Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max, Medicine and science in sports and exercise, Volume: 28, Issue: 10 (1327-1330)
  • Tabata, I., Irisawa, K., Kouzaki, M., Nishimura, K., Ogita, F., & Miyachi, M. (1997). Metabolic profile of high intensity intermittent exercises, Medicine and science in sports and exercise, Volume: 29, Issue: 3 (390-395)
  • Tabata, I. (2019). Tabata training: one of the most energetically effective high-intensity intermittent training methods. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, Volume: 69, Issue: 4 (559-572)
  • Tamayo, N. (2019). Performance profile for tabata intermittent training on treadmill. Humboldt State University, Master's Thesis, California
  • Tibana, R. A., & De Sousa, N. M. F. (2018). Are extreme conditioning programmes effective and safe? A narrative review of high-intensity functional training methods research paradigms and findings. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, Volume: 4, Issue: 1
  • Viana, R. B., de Lira, C. A. B., Naves, J. P. A., Coswig, V. S., Del Vecchio, F. B., & Gentil, P. (2019). Tabata protocol: a review of its application, variations and outcomes. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, Volume: 39, Issue: 1 (1-8)
  • Yılmaztürk, B. (2021). Farklı formlarda uygulanan yüksek şiddetli interval antrenmanların dövüş sporlarında aerobik ve anaerobik performans üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi. Kastamonu üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kastamonu.

Tabata Antrenman Protokolünü Farklı Branşlarda Deneyen Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 9 - 22, 31.07.2022


Tabata Antrenman Protokolü farklı branşlarda değişik sonuçlar vermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı tabata protokolünün farklı branşlarda yapılan araştırmalarını analiz edip, antrenman düzeyi, egzersiz modeli, cinsiyet ve hacim değişkenlerini incelemektir.
Araştırmada veri toplama tekniği olarak doküman analizi kullanılmıştır. Amaçsal örnekleme yöntemlerinden ölçüt örnekleme tekniği seçilmiştir. Veri toplama sürecinde PRIZMA Akış Şeması (Moher. 2009) kullanılmıştır. 2017–2021 yılları arasında tabata protokolüne atıfta bulunan 73 makale araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada tam sayıma ulaşılmıştır. Tablo 4’te belirtilen parametreler 12 çalışmanın dahil edilme kriterlerini karşılamaktadır.
Sonuç olarak fiziksel aktivite katılımcılarının rekreatif antrenman düzeylerinden, hentbol branşında rutin+(↑xİT) egzersizinin ağır birim hacminden, dövüş sporlarında düşük süre yoğun setlemeden kaynaklı maksimum üstü değerlere ulaşamadığı bulgulanmıştır. Antrenörler tabata protokolünü en düşük, amatör seviyedeki sporculara uygulamalı, egzersiz modeli olarak branşın doğasına uygun karma ve branşa özgü hareketler tercih etmeli; süre olarak en düşük 4 hafta, set sayısı olarak en fazla rutin+(2xİT) ve altındaki performansları tercih etmelidirler.


  • Afyon, Y. A., Mülazimoğlu, O., Çelikbilek, S., & Kalafat, Ç. (2021). The effect of tabata training program on physical and motoric characteristics of soccer players. Progress In Nutrıtıon, Volume: 23, Issue: 2
  • Akcan, İ. O., Aydos, L., & Akgül, M. Ş. (2020). The effect of high ıntensity ınterval training in different forms applied to combat athletes on body composition and muscular strength. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, Cilt No: 22, Sayı: 2 (196-201)
  • Alonso-Fernández, D., Lima-Correa, F., Gutierrez-Sánchez, Á., & Abadía-García de Vicuña, O. (2017). Effects of a high-intensity interval training protocol based on functional exercises on performance and body composition in handball female players, Revistas Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, Volume: 12, Issue: 4 (1186-1198)
  • Aslan, İ. (2019). Dağ bisikleti sporcularına uygulanan tabata antrenman modelinin performans üzerine etkisi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Afyon.
  • Aykora, E., & Dönmez, E. (2017). Kadın voleybolcularda tabata protokolüne göre uygulanan pliometrik egzersizlerin kuvvet parametrelerine etkisi, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt No: 6, Sayı: 1 (71-84)
  • Billat, L. V. (2001). Interval training for performance: a scientific and empirical practice. Sports medicine, Volume: 31, Issue: 1 (13-31)
  • Buchheit, M., Laursen, P. B., Kuhnle, J., Ruch, D., Renaud, C., & Ahmaidi, S. (2009). Game-based training in young elite handball players. International journal of sports medicine, Volume: 30, Issue: 4 (251-258)
  • D'Elia, F., D'Andrea, D., Esposito, G., Altavilla, G., & Raiola, G. (2021). Increase the performance level of young basketball players through the use of high ıntensity ınterval training, International journal of human movement and sports sciences, Volume: 9, Issue: 3 (445-450)
  • Demirci, D., Özgür, B. O., Özgür, T., & Bayır, E. (2017). 14-16 yaş grubu erkek tenisçilerde tabata protokolünün dikey sıçramaya etkisi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt No: 11, Sayı: 3 (207-212)
  • Eickhoff-Shemek, J. M., & Keiper, M. C. (2014). High-Intensity exercise and the legal liability risks, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, Volume: 18, Issue: 5 (30-37)
  • Follador, L., Alves, R. C., Ferreira, S. D. S., Buzzachera, C. F., Andrade, V. F. D. S., Garcia, E. D. D. A., Osiecki R., Barbosa S. C., Oliveira L. M. D., & da Silva, S. G. (2018). Physiological, perceptual and affective responses to six high-intensity interval training protocols. Perceptual and motor skills, Volume: 125, Issue: 2 (329-350)
  • Hattersley, C. (2014). Analysis of Sebastian Coe's Training Methods, Presentation delivered at St Mary's University, London
  • İpekoğlu, G., Baynaz, K., Mor, A., Acar, K., Arslanoğlu, C., & Arslanoğlu, E. (2018). Examining Lactate Changes during High Intensity Spinning Training. Universal Journal of Educational Research, Volume: 6, Issue: 6 (1260-1263)
  • Karcher, C., & Buchheit, M. (2014). On-court demands of elite handball, with special reference to playing positions. Sports medicine, Volume: 44, Issue: 6 (797-814)
  • Korkmaz, S. (2017). Farklı ortamlarda uygulanan tabata yüksek şiddetli interval antrenmanın aerobik ve anaerobik performansa etkisi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi DSpace, Doktora Tezi, Antalya
  • Mulazimoğlu, O., Boyaci, A., Afyon, Y. A., & Çelikbilek, S. (2021). Acute effect of tabata workout on heart rate and blood lactate accumulation of female futsal players. Acta Medıca Mediterranea, Cilt No: 37, Sayı: 5 (2457-2461)
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & PRISMA Group*. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Annals of internal medicine, Volume: 151, Issue: 4 (264-269)
  • Protzen, G. V., Bartel, C., Coswig, V. S., Gentil, P., & Del Vecchio, F. B. (2020). Physiological aspects and energetic contribution in 20s: 10s high-intensity interval exercise at different intensities. PeerJ, 8, e9791.
  • Rýzková, E., Labudová, J., Grznár, L. U., & Šmída, M. (2018). Effects of aquafitness with high intensity interval training on physical fitness. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Volume: 18 (373-381)
  • Tabata, I., Nishimura, K., Kouzaki, M., Hirai, Y., Ogita, F., Miyachi, M., & Yamamoto, K. (1996). Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max, Medicine and science in sports and exercise, Volume: 28, Issue: 10 (1327-1330)
  • Tabata, I., Irisawa, K., Kouzaki, M., Nishimura, K., Ogita, F., & Miyachi, M. (1997). Metabolic profile of high intensity intermittent exercises, Medicine and science in sports and exercise, Volume: 29, Issue: 3 (390-395)
  • Tabata, I. (2019). Tabata training: one of the most energetically effective high-intensity intermittent training methods. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, Volume: 69, Issue: 4 (559-572)
  • Tamayo, N. (2019). Performance profile for tabata intermittent training on treadmill. Humboldt State University, Master's Thesis, California
  • Tibana, R. A., & De Sousa, N. M. F. (2018). Are extreme conditioning programmes effective and safe? A narrative review of high-intensity functional training methods research paradigms and findings. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, Volume: 4, Issue: 1
  • Viana, R. B., de Lira, C. A. B., Naves, J. P. A., Coswig, V. S., Del Vecchio, F. B., & Gentil, P. (2019). Tabata protocol: a review of its application, variations and outcomes. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, Volume: 39, Issue: 1 (1-8)
  • Yılmaztürk, B. (2021). Farklı formlarda uygulanan yüksek şiddetli interval antrenmanların dövüş sporlarında aerobik ve anaerobik performans üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi. Kastamonu üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kastamonu.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Review

Kadir Ağbaba 0000-0002-3618-6623

Sefer Karabağ 0000-0003-3553-0282

Publication Date July 31, 2022
Submission Date January 21, 2022
Acceptance Date May 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Ağbaba, K., & Karabağ, S. (2022). Tabata Antrenman Protokolünü Farklı Branşlarda Deneyen Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası Dağcılık Ve Tırmanış Dergisi, 5(1), 9-22.